No tracking, no policy

Did you see an annoying cookie banner with dark patterns that you had to click though to avoid being tracked to use the website?
No! We all hate this.

This website and all associated subdomains are my hobby and I don't care who uses and visits them. I pay for the domain and hosting with my personal money and don't let you pay with your data.

I do not collect, store, use or share any type of personal data. Even the IP address is not logged on the server. There is no tracking to ensure the website is working properly. Who does check this anyway and I don't have time to read out any error logs.

The only external resource that is loaded are the Map Tiles from Stadiamaps if you use my Map. Stadiamaps fully complies with GDPR, uses European servers for Map tiles and does not track it's users. No other external resources like Google Fonts are loaded from US sites and IP address transferred. Everything is hosted on premise.

If you get in contact with me via email, I will have your name and email address but I assume that you do this on purpose and therefore give consent.

I oppose technofeudalism and the enshittification cycle that comes along with it. And since I don't like it, I don't impose it on the visitors of the website.